auguste garufi
Auguste Garufi: dii manes (founded in the sacred grove on the law of twelve tables), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 78 x 82, PC072 Auguste Garufi: de speculis (without the nerve i could not see), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 36 x 36, PC010 Auguste Garufi: de memora et reminiscentia (most of the universe is missing), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 71 x 95, PC071 Auguste Garufi: itus et reditus (where is the geometry), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 50 x 54, PC003 Auguste Garufi: photismi de lumine et umbra, 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 71 x 95, PC004 Auguste Garufi: photismi de lumine et umbra, 2008, printed ink, paper, muslin, 112 x 84, PC088 Auguste Garufi: de memora et reminiscentia (most of the universe is missing), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 68 x 68, PC006 Auguste Garufi: de corporis humani structura et usu (departure and return), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 84 x 37, PC001 Auguste Garufi: de humani corporis fabrica (illuminations of light and shadow held fast by terror at twilight), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 50 x 75, PC008 Auguste Garufi: de humani corporis fabrica (an anatomy lesson for doctor pettitt), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 76 x 82, PC012 Auguste Garufi: dii manes (founded in the sacred grove), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 36 x 72, PC032 Auguste Garufi: quo vadis (misery has remained misery), 2007, printed ink, paper, muslin, 84 x 62, PC067