auguste garufi
Auguste Garufi: photismi de lumine et umbra, 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 15.5 x 9.5, CPA004 Auguste Garufi: de memora et reminiscentia (most of the universe is missing), 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 12 x 12.5, CPA011 Auguste Garufi: de memora et reminiscentia (most of the universe is missing), 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 17.25 x 24, CPA001 Auguste Garufi: photismi de lumine et umbra, 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 11 x 13, CPA012 Auguste Garufi: intra ibi lente spatium vacuum de omnia, 2008, printed ink, paper, 22.75 x 19.5, CPA023 Auguste Garufi: quo vadis (misery has remained misery), 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 13.375 x 10, CPA007 Auguste Garufi: photismi de lumine et umbra, 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 11 x 13, CPA005 Auguste Garufi: quo vadis  (misery has remained misery), 2008, printed ink, paper, 22 x 13, CPA016 Auguste Garufi: de humani corporis fabrica (illuminations of light and shadow held fast by terror at twilight), 2007, printed ink, pen, paper, 12.75 x 12.25, CPA006 Auguste Garufi: ab urbe condita, 2007, printed ink, paper, 13 x 19, CPA002 Auguste Garufi: intra ibi lente spatium vacuum de omnia, 2008, printed ink, paper, 20.75 x 29, CPA033 Auguste Garufi: intra ibi lente spatium vacuum de omnia, 2008, printed ink, paper, 14 x 22, CPA054 Auguste Garufi: there remains silence, 2008, printed ink, paper, 16.5 x 25.5, CPA021 Auguste Garufi: quo vadis (misery has remained misery), 2008, printed ink, paper, 15.25 x 19, CPA035